Technically speaking, I am not sure I can consider today a snow day. Nothing I had to do was cancelled. This could be because, short of walking the dog and taking down the Christmas decorations, I had nothing to do. But still, after five inches of snow, today has been a wonderful snow day. I woke up late, watched the Today show, and took down the Christmas decorations. Hubby and I headed to Kaldi's and I've been there ever since. It's been warm, cozy, and delightfully snowy.
I am not one for New Year's Resolutions per say. However, when I want a change in my life, I like to publicly declare it. This is not because I want recognition but more because I want someone to hold me accountable. So, I have 2 goals this year. Number one is the same as last year...finish my Bible reading plan. I will admit. I fell off the wagon of the daily reading plan and just started reading helter skelter when I felt like it last year. So, I have a new reading plan and renewed hope this year. Along those lines, I also want to memorize more verses. I find that the Lord speaks more easily to me when his words are close to my heart. What better way to make them close to my heart than to read them every day and memorize them more. So, here's prayin. Literally, I want to pray more as well. But anyway...
My second resolution is to continue budgeting and getting better at it for my family, as I have been for the past couple of months. Prov 31 specifically talks about money management, and I hope to get better with that. For 2010, however, I want to add to that budgeting by coming up with a retirement plan and contributing to it. It is so daunting for me to even think about, but I know I am not getting younger. And while retirement doesn't even seem like something I would ever want to do at this point, I have a sinking feeling that might change someday. So, by next Jan I hope to be able to say I am making regular contributions to some sort of plan.
Tonight is the national championship. While I never cheer for Texas, there's a first time for everything. So, hook em horns. But only for the Big XII's sake.
Here's to New Years and New Plans!
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