Note the sarcasm.
Last weekend, we took it up a notch. Or should I say three. We watched three kids ages two, four, and six. Yeah, a few notches. It was so much fun and we only lost them once. Just kidding. We did learn some valuable lessons, though. Like family roles: Jess = cuddler of all small ones. E = the fun one. I could have guessed it.
Exhibit A

Exhibit B
True, he isn't always funny. He can be sweet and endearing to the kiddos. Take note of the final night of Kids Club...
Since we're only a day away from Father's Day, I will say I look forward to seeing Eric as a dad. And, yes, I think the practice with other people's kids is good. I'm glad he can make them laugh, even if I officially become the serious parent as a side effect.
Because the truth is...he makes me laugh, too.