Monday, July 1, 2013

Little One Letter

Hey IC**,

Whew! It's been a while.  So much has happened. And not too much either.

I didn't talk much in June. June was a hard month. I'll have to tell you about it when you're older. But here's the good news: June brought us one month closer to you. And we are more excited to meet you than ever.  And we have super high hopes that July will be fantastic for all of us.

Dad and I are still missing you like crazy.  We've added more links to your chain and those links remind us that we are waiting, mostly patiently, for your arrival.  We've been talking a lot lately about what you'll be like. It's a common topic for us. I have to tell you we're not so sure these days you'll be a little man. We're becoming more and more open to the idea that maybe you could be a little lady.  So I guess "IC" is the best option to talk to you these days. We will  just have to see.  One day we'll get a call.  A call that will tell us about you. And pictures will follow. And then we'll know. And our whole world will change.  And the patience we have learned through the wait will finally be tried as we get you home and our whole world is turned upside down.

If I'm a little honest your dad and I are nervous about your arrival. I think all potential parents are nervous about the arrival of their new family member.  We pray for you. We learn as much as we can about your country and your upbringing. We've been through parenting classes. But we also know we just can't have any idea what life will be like as your parents.  We can plan and plan but you are going to surprise us in good ways and bad.  And that's ok. We still just can't wait to start the part of our life where you are more than just imaginary.

I know I've told you this before but it's not just your dad and I who are excited about your arrival. We have a whole group of friends and family that pray for you and love you. We're even planning a big event to help bring you home. I can't wait to tell you more. The coolest part is you are already a part of our little village. A part that brings our village together.

I'll be thinking of you, little one. I hope you're thinking of me too.

All my love,


**Imaginary Child (what we call our person until we have a picture, name, etc.)

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