Monday, August 22, 2011

Little Man Monday

Hello Little IC,

We had our final meeting with our social worker and we're getting excited about sending our documents over to the country where you live. It should be soon.  I think about you more and more often. I wonder if you are here yet--on earth. Either way, you're in my heart.  We went to Tiger Walk yesterday and I wondered how many more Tiger Walks before you'd be with us.  I wonder if you'll be old enough to run around the quad with the other kids or if I'll have you in a carrier.  I can't wait to introduce you to our town and all the fun things we do.  We are staying busy while we wait for you and I'm definitely thinking of plans for your arrival.  And of course your room!

On Sundays at church we play with a room full of kids about your age. They wander around and smile at me and ask me about their mommies.  I know you will do the same and I wonder how long it will be before you ask me about your other mommy.  I pray the Lord gives me the answers when you ask.  You're going to like church, but we'll have to wait a while before we go.  All the books say you will need some time to be ours before we can share you.  Frankly, I am just fine not sharing you.  Plus our church streams service now. We may just stay at home for a while, you and me. I'll dress you up and we'll watch church and run around the house with the puppies.

I want to talk to you more but lots and lots of college kids are asking me questions so I have to go talk to them. I miss you, before I even know you. 


P.S. We sang a song at church on Sunday that made me think of you. God tells us "do not fear my child, I'll come back for you, to take you home." I pray you know the same about us, little one. And I shed tears for you. But (relatively) soon you will be home and the tears will turn to joy.

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