Friday, December 18, 2009
Day Two: Mission Relaxation
Any suggestions for good books or ways to lazily occupy time are requested.
Here's to relaxation.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Half Crazy #2
Monday, December 14, 2009
FREE and Loving It!
Christmas cookies
Christmas party
and giving blood.
That's it! I might wrap a few presents. Heck, I might rap out of Christmas joy (though no one I know wants to hear that).
I am going to make it my goal to write much more often now that I am totally and completely free. I will try to update on our second half marathon, pictures included. But for now I am busy. Strike that, I'm not. And I wouldn't have it any other way!
Here's to relaxation!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Home (or maybe not) for Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Ghost Returns
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Greetings from Graduate Schoollandia
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Things That Go Bump in the Mid-Morning
To celebrate the next day, Hubby and I got coffee and took some time driving through K-Wood. And then, bam! We got hit on our driver's side. No one was injured but our darling truck (to the tune of hundreds of dollars). Luckily, I have amazing parents. On their 29th wedding anniversary, they picked us up and left us a vehicle. We will be picking up Trixie the Tacoma later in the week after she gets some work done.
Thank goodness for great parents. I promised them that for their 39th anniversary, they could spend it not helping their children. No guranatees:-).
Here's to marriage!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Probability of Updating My Blog Equals the Sum of My Homework Divided By the Time I Have
Now that I have started classes, Hubby has taken to doing more around the house. It's miraculous! He voluntarily does hundreds of loads of laundry and folds it. He mops floors. He cleans the kitchen. When I try to help, I get the, "oh no, honey. You should study. Let me do this." Let me just say that I am staying in school forever. I jest, I jest. But really, he is going above and beyond the call of duty.
Last week was not only my first week of class, but it was also our church's Kids Club. We create our own summer kids' curriculum, so we don't call it VBS. We try to make it more of a camp for kids. This year was medieval themed, and we did all we could to make the kids laugh, play, and learn about Jesus as the true king. Exhibit #1

Yes, that is my dashing knight-of-a-husband dressed as a knight. Our group called him "Sir Baked Potato." He could barely move. It was all fun and games until he allowed the kids to remove the aluminum foil, revealing that he was a sweaty mess underneath. Here was the kids response:
"Oh cool, we get to tear the aluminum foil off!"
"Wait, why is it wet... (several seconds) Ew! Gross! It's sweat!"
Yeah, it was highly entertaining. Hubby also came in second in the Medieval Food Fear Factor. And I did not kiss him until he had thoroughly brushed the taste of head cheese out of his mouth.
Looking forward to a good weekend at my parents' house. I will try to update again soon, but that all depends on the probability that I understand probabilities without complications. You get the idea.
Here's to education.
Friday, May 22, 2009
This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
In other news, I found out the hard way I have developed an allergic reaction to amoxycillin. Yes, I broke out in tiny bumps all over my body after recovering from whatever had my down and out in my last post. If you want to know what makes me look even more attractive than running a fever and having severe seasonal allergies, it's developing a massive amount of tiny bumps all over my chest, back, and neck. I will spare you the pictures. Suffice to say, I looked kind of like a child with tiny chicken pox. Or you can google "amoxycillin reaction" as my coworkers and I did. I do not recommend this. You probably won't be able to eat dinner. I looked like that. Yeah.
Hubby finished his last days at Kaldi's this week. I would say it ended bittersweetly, but really it was much further on the bitter side than it was sweet. You see, if being understaffed and overworked on the last day wasn't enough to make him glad to go, God decided to make sure he knew it was best to leave. About an hour before he was scheduled to finish his last shift, when the coffee house was packed to the brim, the water heater broke. The health inspector got tipped off, and the place was closed. And like that, Hubby's experience at his first job out of college was over. No happy goodbyes. No hugs from customers. The health inspector apologized for the timing of the issue, and we went to grab a beer. Adios!
I met with my new bosses this week. I am incredibly pumped to be working in their office come fall. We chatted, I got to see the office and then we headed to lunch. I was warned that we were going to do lunch in one of the most swankified places in our town, The University Club. This is where wealthy alums and townspeople go for great food and service. I, being a small-town, country bumpkin at heart was flooded with two contradictory feelings when I was invited to this lunch. One one hand, I had never been invited to eat at the lovely establishment. I was excited for the chance to try the food I had heard so much about and share in great conversations with my new bosses. On the other hand, I am the kind of person that says "friggin" and never orders the right thing and doesn't always claim to know a salad fork from a dinner fork. Thus, I was a teensy bit nervous at the formality of such a venue. I arrived without tripping up the stairs and breathed a sigh of relief.
Ordering was tricky; I was trying to find something simple to eat so as not to make a mess. I am traditionally messy no matter what I eat. I settled on a salmon club since salmon is my favorite and I figured a sandwich couldn't be too difficult. Boy, was I wrong!! The sandwich was a double decker held together with shiny-topped toothpicks. I could take only one bite of each section before it exploded into smitherines, leaving me, my fork, my knife, and sometimes my fingers, to try to put it all back together. I was sure by the second of four sections that everyone in the restaurant knew I was not supposed to be there. As if they didn't already know when they realized I was under 30.
Resigning to the fact that I needed to finish picking at my explosion, I agreed to dessert. I immediately dropped the brownie tongs onto the ground and tried to pick them up to give to a waiter. With no waiter in my line of vision, I just looked like an idiot holding dirty tongs that I had caused to fall to the ground. The older gentleman behind me was obviously perturbed and begged me to leave them on the ground. Awkward. I also managed to stab my lemon tart with the other set of tongs, leaving part of my tart on the tongs themselves. I was in such disarray, I forgot to pick up a spoon for my sherbet. I arrived at the table, picked up the wrong spoon, and proceeded to dig into my sherbet without putting my napkin in my lap. Sweet.
During this time, we were also talking shopping. One of the ladies asked me my favorite place to shop, and although we had been talking of Ann Taylor and White House, Black Market, I blurt out "Oh, I mostly shop at Target." Yeah, you can tell I was a little nervous. Turns out, she was asking my favorite mall. I went back to work and crawled under my desk and held my ear for a while. Just kidding. But I wanted to. I am sure in my head this is all a little more dramatic than it was. And actually, I had a lovely time. I am so excited to start working in the office with the lovely ladies.
Well, Pete's birthday is today. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite brothers. Between you and Mark, I couldn't ask for better siblings. I love you dearly and will miss living with you come winter.
Here's to Memorial Day!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Children of the Corn
When I am a resident of a hotel, I like to spend a good portion of my day streaming shows from my computer. I got to watch In the Motherhood and Samantha Who. Nothing like free comedy on demand to make me comfortable in a new city.
When I ran out of TV last night, I hit my Bible up. I have to say, I have read Ruth a dozen or so times but never has it touched my heart like it did last night. Ruth was truly a woman of God. She listened to God, sacrificed for the good of her family, and remained faithful during an incredible tragedy. It almost brought me to tears last night. I hope when I am faced with such challenges, I will have the foundation of faith to stand firm. What a mighty God we serve, that he would give his servants portraits of strong women for us to follow.
I have one more visit today and then I am headed to the hotel to get a run in. I will try to be more inspired in the future. Sorry for the recent delay in blogging.
Here's to God's faithfulness.
Monday, May 4, 2009
It's All Good!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Aw... Freak Out!
And then I heard God chuckle.
I however, was not chuckling. No, I was looking more like a character from one of those old Disney cartoons right before Mickey makes Donald so mad that his head turns red and the top flies off. Yes, I was Donald. I texted and emailed with fury. I debated and wrung my hands. And then, I got in the car with my husband and we went to dinner with Momma and my best friend. Because, after all, nothing solves problems like time with your Momma. Even at 25.
Dinner proved to be productive. Meg and I then headed to the mall, where all the dresses were too big, which also proved productive. I settled into bed for my last night with my Esther study, and I talked to God a little. Sometimes, you don't have to talk too much. Sometimes, God does all the talking. And what he said to me was, "Um, Lady, I love how you think your plans are better than mine and all but really? Really?" And that's all he needed to say. I fell asleep and woke to a much better attitude.
As Bro and I came in to work this morning, he asked if I was doing better with the whole situation, and I told him my revelation. Being mad was basically me saying that my plans were better than Gods plans. This is not a position I am comfortable taking. I would rather not be mad than try to be God. And thus, a lesson was learned.
A reminder to myself and my friends in blogworld: I am still a Type-A crazy. That probably won't go away from one lesson. But thank God that he crushed my little head yesterday. I have no idea what position I will receive on Friday. Heck, I may not be going back to grad school after all. But I know it's not my decision. And for that, I am thankful.
Here's to the big decisions being taken care of by the Big Guy.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Beautiful, Scandalous Night
My brother drives me to work on days when Hubby goes to work early. We were on our way Friday and he said, "What is so good about good Friday!? I mean, it's filled with torture and death." True story. There's no way to deny the death and torture part of Christ's death. But to me, remembering the horrendousness of the act only reminds me of its importance. I could have nothing could, could be nothing good, and couldn't share the joy of my God without this awful day. How do you thank someone who was beat with a steel-tipped whip and killed next to criminals, all for you? Only through reverence and love.
As we worshipped with the congregation on Good Friday services, the tears just flowed. My Christ, my Savior was killed. He did it all for me. It's easy for me to think about it in the corporate sense--he did it for the whole world. But for me? That's more difficult. He so loved me that even as I was still a sinner--which is today, tomorrow, and the rest of my earthly life--he died for me. What an amazing God. What an amazing love. I'll never get it right. And I'll never do enough to right my wrongs. But because of the good act on Good Friday, I don't have to get it right. He who knew no sin became sin for me. Wow.
I am thrilled to be able to share Easter with my family. I can't wait to say, "He is risen! Christ the Lord is risen today!" It doesn't get better than the joy of resurrection. Without the death and mourning of our Christ, though, we'd never get to the celebration. And so I sit in the middle, between death and life today, thankful for both.
I love the image of the Smalltown Poet's Song "Beautiful, Scandalous Night." I will be savoring these words until sunrise tomorrow.
At the wonderful, tragic, mysterious tree
On that beautiful, scandalous night you and me
Were atoned by His blood and forever washed white
On that beautiful, scandalous night
May the Lord bless you on this Holy Weekend, no matter where you are in your life.
Here's to forgiveness.
Friday, April 3, 2009
G.P. Are You With Me?
I have felt pretty overwhelmed lately with all of these potential changes in my life, and it's been hard for me to comprehend. I get a little difficult to be around. As much as I want to embrace change, it really freaks the heck out of me. So, you can imagine that I was more than ready to hit up Bible study on Tuesday when the time came. I needed a little refreshment. I got to my table, hugged all my lady friends, and sat down, ready to be engrossed in Beth Moore's latest morsels of God's words. And what do you know? The study this week (through Esther: It's Tough Being A Woman) was about feeling like you are in charge of your world. In fact, it was specfically about how you are NOT in charge of your world. God gets that great responsibility. Ha! It literally brought tears to my eyes. Jeremiah 29:11 sounds so trite when I am in the middle of trying to figure out job/school/living arrangements/ etc. But hearing Beth speak of God's providence and how we just can't weigh ourselves down refreshed me in a way I truly needed. God does have the plans for me. Not to harm me. To give me hope. A future. A-mazing.
Sweet, precious Stellan is fighting hard and doing better Head over to pray if you haven't. He's even been on the news lately!
This weekend should be a little less stressful than usual, so hopefully I will have time to post.
Here's to refreshment.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Cheer Up, Charlie
Being as sick as I was, I was unable to get a bracket together for March Madness, but that hasn't stopped me from watching games. How about that Kim English! Wowee! It's fun to be in the Sweet 16 as a tiger. In fact, the last time my tiger team made it to the Sweet 16 I was a high school student. Seriously. So, I am overjoyed to be able to watch my Tigers on Thursday. I am a tad nervous about the whole thing, but it should be fun. I just don't wanna see some random Memphis player chew on a towel on all fours like a dog. I would also prefer not to see their coach cover his mouth to yell obsenities. Then again, if that means they are losing, I will take it.
I am still diggin my Esther study, but I will be honest enough with my Bloggers and Bloggettes to say that I haven't been doing my daily reading plan. Since I don't have Bible study this week, maybe I will try catching up. It's something I really have enjoyed when I actually get to it.
This is getting long already, but I have to wish my momma a belated birthday! I spent the weekend with her, shopping, eating, and watching Twilight. She's a great momma!!
Speaking of Twilight, I finished the books while on bedrest. Wow! I really want to read them again. Yes, I am a nerd.
Finally, I forgot the good news. I got my acceptance letter for graduate school while I was sick on the couch. I am thrilled! I will interview April 24 for an assistantship. If I get one, my life is about to seriously change. Pray for God's guidance on that one.
Here's to Spring (if not spring break)!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
We Are the Champions!
Eric and I went to a marriage conference at our church this weekend. Paul Tripp is an author and speaker on a variety of topics, but he spoke on marriage while he was here. While he had some great points, it wasn't my favorite conference ever. I do think we took some of his information and will use it on strengthening our marriage. It was also a great time to evaluate and realize that we are focusing on the important parts of our relationship.
I haven't written in a while. Eric had a birthday and turned 27. He seems thrilled about the possibilities of year 27.
I am still a little worn out from a long week at work, so I will try to post more often but I am signing off for today.
Here's to the tigers!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Take A Chance on Me
Last year was my first time to delve into the fest and I waded into the baby pool, seeing three films. This year, I decided to volunteer. I spent the last two days crawling under risers, building street art, taping down lights, creating a venue for an awesome party, and getting to know people I will never forget. I now wonder how I could have gone the first 5 years without volunteering. While I thought the films last year were life changing, the event is much more so. I just finished my first two films. What is even more incredible than viewing the films is hearing the creative genius behind them and allowing those filmmakers to share their craft. So cool! The main film I saw was called "Love on Delivery" about a pipeline of Thai women coming to Denmark to find their husbands. Thus the title of my entry. They truly were taking a chance on making their lives new and economically bearable. The film looked at marriage through a lens I myself could never see. I cried remorsefully and felt proud for the women all at the same time.
My church says that film is a great way to see other people's worldviews and how they see the problem central to life. I couldn't agree more. If you want to hear more on the subject, check out I would also recommend going to to see more about the festival and all of the films involved.
I am taking a quick lunch break but I hope to be able to update on more films soon.
Here's to taking a chance on documentary film at its finest.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sing a Song
A not-so-surpising Heath Ledger win makes me thrilled. I loved Heath. To see him win post-humously is appropriate and deserved. His families' speeches were absolutely beautiful. I am a little teary.
I watched "Man on Wire" at last year's True/False and it's so cool to see the director speaking of the film. I SO want it to win just so I can say, in a snooty voice, "I saw the best documentary of 2008." Seriously.
And thereit is! I won!! Well, okay, Man on Wire won. But I saw it. Yes, I did. And so, in a way, a little piece of me won. I would be lying if I said that I did not scream all by myself in my hotel room when I heard that it won. So fun! I can't wait for next week to see some more amazing documentaries.
My computer is going to die, so I best get going. Plus I am about to crash.
Here's to the Oscars.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
School Days, School Days
On top of this, I have been doing some Bible study and working like crazy. I am currenty in the dining hall during a work event. This time of year is so hard. I get attached to so many of these kids. Ultimately, some of them will make the choice to go somewhere other than MU. While I respect the decision, it's hard for me to see them go when I've worked so hard for so long.
Don't worry; I have been catching up with the Bachelor. It's pretty great. I am a big fan of both of the girls who are left, so I will be excited either way. One funny thing... I am studying Esther as part of the Beth Moore bible study. So much of it kind of reminds me of an ancient bachelor. They do a search for all attractive ladies and then they come "perform" for the king. Seirously... could it BE any more like the Bachelor? It's so interesting to compare. If you haven't read the story of Esther, I highly encourage it. It's fun. It's scandalous (sort of). And it's the only book in which God's name is never mentioned. It's two books before Psalms. Read it. Message me. We'll chat. I hope it blesses you.
I am off to work a little more and then hopefully grab a nap. Enjoy your weekend.
Here's to Esther!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Here's to change!
Friday, February 6, 2009
It's My Party
If you're wondering, the GRE went fine. Nothing to report. I did wake up a little late and had a freak attack. Being the Type A that I am, however, I thought the test was an hour earlier than it was. So, even after waking up an hour later than I wanted to, I still got there at 7:45 for a nine o'clock test. Yes I am a dork. I am crossing my fingers that my score is good enough to not ever have to take that stupid test ever again. Here's hoping.
I had a presentation last night for work. We travel throughout the state and give workshops for students and parents about navigating the college planning process. I love giving these workshops. People tend to truly appreciate my effort. Parents who are going through the process for the first time, in particular, look at me like I am the goddess of all things college. It's kind of fun. We always get surveys back, and all my surveys from last night said, "much more interesting than I thought it would be." Moral of the story: it's easy to exceed expectations if the expectations begin quite low. Love it!
Tonight, we get to play parents to toddlers. My lovely friend Lila has her preschool sockhop tonight and we get to be her stand-in parents. It is destined to be the highlight of my week. I will consider posting pictures. I am sure I will have stories.
Here's to preschool dances!
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Chicken Dance
My wonderful friend Meg lives near me. I get to spend great time with her and her family since we live so close. Last night, I went to spend my evening with her and her parents. We had brownies, coffee, and great conversation. As the conversation came to a lull, we decided to find something to watch on TV. We turned to DVR, since there seemed to be nothing on the main channels. Looking back, there was PBS doumentary entitled "The Natural History of the Chicken." I was skeptical, but we decided to check it out.
Oh my word! If you have not seen this jewel of a film, I encourage you to check it out here. While I am not sure how much chicken history I learned, I did get a wealth of information in that one hour. I learned about a on obese farmer who can give an identical impression of a rooster. There is a dame in Florida who is in love with her chicken and does such activies as swim with him in her pool and blow dry his fluffy fur. A pastor told a story of a higher power looking out for chickens, and how chickens have a real sense of sacrifice of self. There was also a headless chicken who was a sideshow act a while back. No head. Seriously. Probably the best, however, was the woman from Maine who gave her chicken mouth-to-mouth after he was found semi-frozen under the deck. The lucky chicken lived and apparently spent a while inside living in a baby-crib watching medical shows before heading back out to tell all of her chicken friends about her adventures. Her name was Valerie since she had such valor. I wish I were lying.
I have seen Oscar winning documentaries, and they don't hold anything on this baby. It is awesome. It did win an Emmy. Wow. Eric asked for it for Christmas next year. We'll see.
I have the day off to study for the GRE. Yes, I am taking that fun test on Monday. Keep me in your prayers.
Nothing too insightful today but I hope you laugh about the chickens. Godbless!
Here's to chickens!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Baby It's Cold Outside
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Who Let the Dogs Out!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Eric and I have had some lengthy discussions about adoption, and if it is in God's plan, we would be willing to give a baby a home. I know that if this were us, we would appreciate the support, prayers, etc. more than you can even imagine. Though I have never met or spoken with Shelley, I am sure she covets your prayers more than you know. What an exciting time for their family!
Here's to babies!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Keeps Gettin Better
Friday, January 16, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Don't Speak
If you want your child to go to school here but they have no interest whatsoever...
See? I knew you would like it!
Now, on to what I am learning from my New Year's resolution. As I plug along through Genesis, it's amazing how God's provision is so evident. I mean, we talk about God being vengeful and wrathful, but what I am seeing most is despite people's flaws, God's sovereignty shows through for those who are devoted to him. The OT does not paint a picture of a perfect world or perfect people. And it's true, God destroys everone in a flood. He also destroys the entire city of Sodom. But, more importantly, throughout those devastations, he held fast to those who love him. He took care of Noah, Lot, Abraham, and so many others. When Abraham asked for a wife for Isaac out of his homeland, BAM, Rebekah offers his camels water. It's just so neat. I live in a world that it all about me. I worry about what to cook for dinner, when I'll get a house, when I'll have children, what job I'll have. All these things. And yet, God has taken care of his people for thousands of years. He gave them arks, wives, and babies when they were 90 years old. If I commit wholeheartedly to him, won't he protect me? I want to want to believe. I pray that God would give me the strength to follow him.
My bro has come to visit, so I must say adios. Here is a cute picture of my pup for you to enjoy until the next post!
Here's to puppies and God's providence!
Monday, January 12, 2009
January is (Not) Jumpin
In all of this, there is just not much to post about. If you are wondering, yes, I am sticking to my Bible-reading plan although I have missed a couple of days.
So here is my not-so-deep thought for the day. As I am reading, I am reminded that the reason we really read is for fellowship and to stay connected to God. I have spent my days at work recently writing personal cards to all my out-of-state admitted students. They're small, they don't take long. But since writing these cards, the responses have been numerous. Kids, parents, they all are excited to have received some personal correspondence. The difference that reaching out personally to these students has made is incredible. This is what reading, praying, communing is for us. We commit a little and God personally touches us in a big way. My pastor yesterday said something interesting. He said that although the Bible is not very big, few of us get through it. Not because we can't read. Not because we don't have the time. Because, in fact, there is a force keeping us out. The power for us to connect and feel God's presence through his sovereignty in his book is huge. The more Satan can keep us out of it, the less vested we become in the kingdom of God. What a powerful thing to think about. I am stubborn and I like to fight. Now that I have realized the battle, you better believe I will work twice as hard to stay steadfast to my Jesus.
I pray for each of you that you will commit in a deeper way in 2009 as well. Pray for me. We'll trade. It'll rock.
I will try to post pictures next post. Of anything.
Here's to January.